Wednesday 7 October 2020

Divorce Terminology Suggested By The Family Lawyers In Ottawa!

The couple wanting to get a settlement with his ex will have to meet in person. This task could make you nervous as you will have to face your ex to discuss the issues and set a particular way for settlement. Especially, the victim of domestic violence, threats, harassment would find an excuse to avoid the meeting as it is quite negative. It is essential to meet the best family lawyers in Ottawa to get the right guidance. Good lawyers hired from Ottawa family law firms will convey your concerns and even negotiate on your behalf. You will have to communicate your expectations so that the lawyer can frame an agenda accordingly. 

Here is the most important terminology that you should be aware of while dealing with any family law case:

Case conference: A family law case is usually discussed at a pre-decided date in the presence of important parties in the case viz. the judge, the parties involved in the dispute, and their family lawyers in Ottawa. Such a meeting is known as a case conference. The underlying reason due to which the case conference is held is to try to resolve the matter and arrive at a common point. Several points of discussion may be identified that your partner is not aware of or your partner did not share.

Parenting time: In family law cases, either of the parents takes the responsibility of the child. The other parent will have to get access to visit and spend time with the child. They usually do not live together so they have to get the court’s permission with the help of the family lawyers in Ottawa.

Custody: This is a term used later in the family law cases when any one of the parents gets all the rights over the child. The parent who gets custody can make important decisions about the child’s health, education, etc. properly explained by the family lawyers in Ottawa. Custody may or may not include the residency of the child. A few forms of custody are temporary custody, sole custody, split custody, etc.

Separation Agreement: A separation agreement involves a written domestic contract that is discussed and signed between both the parties. It will focus on the rules and regulations to be followed during the separation period to end up the relationship with a contractual agreement professionally prepared by the family lawyers in Ottawa.

Equalization payment: This is the amount in which the higher-earning member out of the two will have to pay to the parent with a lower net property. It is equalized keeping in mind all the deductions and exclusions. At times, an unfair amount is announced but the court has the power to change this amount when they come to know. 

Joint custody: This is a common divorce terminology which you might have often heard of. It precisely means that the parents can share legal rights and responsibilities associated with custody of their child even though living apart. Each parent will be entitled to make important decisions about the kid and his well-being. 

These are the divorce terminology that might not be used frequently but can give a lot of powers and responsibility to the parent. It is advised to consult one another before taking any decision.

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