Thursday 7 October 2021

What‌ ‌to‌ ‌Do‌ ‌When‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Partner‌ ‌is‌ ‌Contesting‌ ‌Divorce‌ ‌

The time may come when you feel like you do not want to be with your partner anymore. It can be a bit complicated when your partner does not feel the same way. You may want to get a divorce but your partner would like to contest the divorce.

You would like to dissolve the marriage but you do not know how you are going to do it. Now can be your time to consult with Davies Toronto family lawyers. They may give you some suggestions on how you can dissolve your marriage easier.

How You Can Obtain the Divorce Easier

It will always be more problematic when your ex-partner does not want to agree with the divorce. You have to wait for a longer time. You can expect that you will feel different emotions while waiting. There is this fear that will grip your heart whether your ex-partner will finally consent to the divorce. Till then, you might feel like you are trapped in this situation. This is when you should contact Ottawa family lawyers. They will give you all of the information that you need.

Some Things You Can Agree On

There are different reasons why your partner may not want to agree on the divorce. Your partner may not want it because he/she still loves you. There is also a chance that there are other things that your ex-partner is worried about.

The usual issues involve the following:

  • Division of your different properties

  • The disposition of the house that you share as a couple

  • Child custody and visitation rights

  • Spousal support

If these things would not be clear to your partner, there is a big chance that your ex-partner will try to delay the divorce. He/ She may not even want to hire a lawyer thinking that the divorce will not push through.

Trying Out Family Trial

Your ex-partner probably does not agree with all of the things that you are proposing so that the divorce will push through. This can be the recommended proceeding. The resolution that will be reached here will become the “Final Order.” You need an Ottawa family lawyer to ensure that this will happen.

You can try to represent yourself during the trial but this will not work too well. You might end up saying a few things that will hurt your chances to get the best resolution from the trial. Remember that your ex-partner will be having witnesses and will present evidence so that things will not work out in your favor. You need to be prepared. The right lawyer can help you with that.

Once the court hears your sentiments and the things that your ex-partner says, that is the time when a resolution will be made.

Contempt of Court

Let us say that the court has already decided that your children will leave with you. Your partner will get visitation rights 3 times a week. Your partner does not agree with this and might break what the court has stated. When this happens, you can get your lawyer to file an order wherein your ex-partner would need to adhere to what the court has stated. The help of a lawyer who is very knowledgeable about family law will help you a lot.

Click here to reach the expert. You can also navigate your way through Salespider or Cylex.

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